Aviation sector to offset carbon emissions

The civil aviation industry has agreed to develop a global market-based measure (MBM) to help it achieve carbon-neutral growth from 2020

The agreement, reached at the annual assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) in Montreal, will trigger the detailed design of the MBM, including standards for the monitoring, reporting and verification of emissions and the type of scheme to be implemented.

In June, the 240 member airlines of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), representing 84% of global aviation traffic, agreed to ask governments to develop a global mandatory carbon-offsetting scheme.

The ICAO forum confirmed that this would be the most effective and efficient MBM. The ICAO expects it to be presented for ratification at its 2016 assembly.

IATA’s director general and chief executive, Tony Tyler, praised the role of the European Commission and parliament, which he said had put reducing emissions from aircraft on the agenda of airlines by including EU flights in its emissions trading scheme.

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