Book review: Furthering environmental impact assessment

Furthering environmental impact assessment

Edward Elgar / Hardback £70 / ISBN: 978-0-8579-3327-0

In many ways this book cuts to the crux of effective environmental impact assessment (EIA) practice: how to ensure design and mitigation promises are delivered in reality.

This isn’t a practical “how to” guide; it goes deeper, providing a series of papers setting out real-life examples and concepts. The book is good for practitioners wanting to develop an understanding of the interface between EIA, environment management plans, environment management systems and sustainability management.

The book’s chapters break the information down into chunks that can be fitted into the busiest schedule. And, while rather academic in style, the chapters from IEMA members ensure a practical slant is retained and sector-specific examples are included.

Researchers examining EIA follow-up or the environment management of developments should have ready access to this book, but it also holds value for practitioners in consultancies, contractors and large developers who would like a better understanding of how to manage environmental risk during the design, consenting, construction and operation of EIA developments.

Review by Josh Fothergill, IEMA’s policy and practice lead on EIA

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