Book review: Sustainability in Austerity

Sustainability in Austerity

Philip Monaghan / Greenleaf /Publishing / Paperback: £21.95 / ISBN: 978–1–906093–57–0

Philip Monaghan’s book explains how local authorities can deliver sustainability even during a period of economic crisis.

He sets out 102 “cost-neutral” interventions that have already been implemented – ranging from smarter driving at Knowsley Borough Council to bike clubs in Barcelona, and from a recycling festival in Krakow to a vegetarian day (Meatout) in Michigan – to inspire others.

Monaghan also explains how to develop a business case for taking action so that “doing more with less” is approached in a strategic, rather than an ad hoc, way. Part III of the book is the most interesting and contains chapters on waste and environmental services, and fleet and logistics.

The practical nature of the book enables readers to gauge whether or not it would be possible to replicate some of the initiatives in their own localities.

Inspiring if you work in local government.

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