Build Back Better
In July IEMA launched its Build Back Better position statement in response to COVID-19.
It outlined five objectives necessary for a green and sustainable recovery:1. Set clear expectations that require and enable sustainability across the public and private sectors2. Invest in skills, training and jobs that level up society and address social problems3. Support placemaking, community connection and wellbeing4. Invest in infrastructure that delivers sustainable economic, social and environmental outcomes5. Support and promote business models and collaborative decision-making that can resolve sustainability challenges and trends.
The need to transform to a sustainable economy is as urgent as ever. The evidence has not changed on the importance of addressing issues such as climate change, slavery, biodiversity loss, poverty, health and pollution. We also need to reflect the UK in the workforce and in all facets of life that have accepted or legitimised a culture of privilege and discrimination.
The way the government invests will define whether we succeed in a just transition or bake in our current trajectory. IEMA will be working with members to support your work, and to further our ideas with government and other likeminded organisations.
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