Changes to member fees

As of 1 January 2014, all payments for new members joining IEMA have been aligned with annual renewal fees

The change to fees does not affect anyone who is already a member, only those joining at Affiliate level. Joining fees for Affiliate (the standard introductory membership level) had been held at the 2010 rate of £99 to stimulate member recruitment, but have now increased to £110 to match annual renewal fees for this level.

Due to changes imposed by the Society for the Environment, application and renewal charges for Chartered environmentalist (CEnv) status also changed at the beginning of 2014. The registration fee for all new CEnv applications is now £75. This fee will apply to any members upgrading to dual membership (MIEMA and CEnv) or existing Full or Fellow members who apply for chartered status in 2014.

IEMA members who have already achieved CEnv will be subject to a 50p increase in their annual renewal fee (now £38). The Institute’s CEnv administration fee of £12 (£10 administration plus VAT) remains unchanged.

For details about all IEMA’s joining and renewal rates, visit:

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