Consultation ends on Vision 2020
The initial consultation period for Vision 2020 has ended and more than 2,000 members have contributed to the process via workshops across the UK and Ireland, webinars and an online survey
The feedback has provided IEMA’s chief executive Tim Balcon and the Institute’s board with a range of opinions and wealth of ideas to aid the final development stage.
“I would personally like to thank every single member who volunteered their time to help us reshape IEMA,” said Balcon.
“Our entire purpose is to ensure that people with environmental skills are valued and recognised and we could not have completed any of this work without our members. I am genuinely delighted that so many were willing to offer their feedback so constructively. Together I know we’ll make the Institute something pretty special.”
Balcon will take the views of the members to the board and will use the responses from members to further refine the purpose and proposition – which covers members’ development, influence, recognition, community and competence – and the strategic objectives of the Institute until the end of the decade.
Once each of these elements is fully aligned with the ambition of IEMA, Vision 2020 will be released back to the membership. At the same time, the chief executive and board will begin developing the Institute’s strategic plan. Full details of the plan will be published in future editions of the environmentalist.
Balcon has been writing a blog about the Vision 2020 process, detailing what he has learned about the members, the Institute and the environment profession since he took up his role as CEO in July. Visit to read his latest post and previous entries, plus all other details about Vision 2020.
If you wish to submit any comments for consideration before the final development stage, contact IEMA at: [email protected].