DECC published renewable heat plans

The energy department has published a new strategy document examining how the UK must decarbonise heating systems by 2050

The new document came less than a month after DECC confirmed that measures to control the costs of the renewable heat initiative (RHI) will be introduced from July and that the domestic RHI scheme has been delayed again.

In the publication, DECC outlines how heating is generated currently and how it needs to evolve, identifying the changes required, such as improving energy efficiency, greater use of biomass and the potential of carbon capture and storage technologies to reduce emissions from industry.

While the paper does not identify any specific policies, it will be the framework the government will use to develop policy in future. DECC is asking for feedback on the paper up until 24 May.

In the document, DECC pledges to publish a list of policy measures over the next 12 months to accelerate the deployment of low-carbon heat.

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