Departing CEO thanks staff and members

Jan Chmiel will shortly leave IEMA. Here, he gives his final message as chief executive

It has been an exciting time to be involved with IEMA, particularly as the sustainability agenda is increasingly influencing the way organisations operate.

This has raised many opportunities for the profession to get more involved in the fabric of strategic decision making – collectively with the government and trade bodies, and on an individual basis in the organisations in which they work.

Part of our mission at IEMA over the past four years has been to place the profession at the heart of delivering a sustainable economy. This has involved actively shaping policy and developing more effective engagement with business through our members.

It has resulted in IEMA putting together the first-ever environmental skills map, which spans organisational needs for managing environmental sustainability. The map is now being used by organisations to ensure they have the appropriate skills to manage environment across their businesses and by members to more effectively monitor their own development.

This work has also enabled IEMA to target and channel its services more effectively.

The work of any organisation and its need for change never stops, and IEMA is no exception. As the relationship between business and the environment continues to be reshaped, so the Institute will need to adapt. I foresee further cooperation with other professional bodies and non-governmental organisations.

IEMA has a unique role to play in supporting members at the interface between the environment and business, working as they do across value chains and organisational hierarchies, covering all the multi-disciplinary areas of the environment. I believe there is now a team in place to ensure that IEMA continues to go from strength to strength.

I would like to thank all the staff at IEMA who have been part of this transformative journey over the past four years; it has been a real privilege working with them.

I would also like to thank all the many volunteers and partners who every day shape and support the Institute in its mission.

Jan Chmiel

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