Diploma pilot is ready for review

The pilot run of the IEMA Diploma in Environmental Management is about to come to an end, ready for review based on the feedback from delegates and the current training provider.

Woodland Grange (part of EEF, the manufacturers’ organisation) has been conducting the three sections of the pilot diploma course – managing environmental aspects and impacts; strategic environmental management; and leading and managing change.

It has been working with IEMA’s training team and training subcommittee to develop a course that supports delegates requiring a high-level environmental qualifi cation. It has been specifically designed to support those individuals wishing to progress their IEMA membership from Associate (AIEMA) to Full (MIEMA) member level.

The diploma builds on the knowledge and understanding gained through the completion of IEMA Associate membership, which provides delegates with the key knowledge and understanding required for Full membership of IEMA. It is based on the level-six descriptors of the qualifications and credit framework.

Ten delegates have passed the diploma under the pilot scheme, with more currently awaiting their results. One of the 10 successful delegates has since taken his Full membership interview and passed, so congratulations go to Kamal Jabbal Singh on his success on the Diploma course and membership upgrade.

Following the end of the pilot, all the parties involved in its development will review the course content and delivery, with any changes coming into eff ect in the fi rst half of 2011 when the diploma is rolled out to a series of approved training providers.

Updates on the diploma and its official launch will be announced in future issues of the environmentalist.

But if you are an Associate member and feel that the diploma can provide you with the additional knowledge that will help in progressing your membership up to Full, click here for current details of the modules and eligibility.

Members can contact our training team with any direct queries here.

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