EC Reg 73/2012 on dangerous chemicals

European Commission Regulation 73/2012 amends annexes I and V to Regulation 689/2008 on the export and import of dangerous chemicals came into force on 15 February 2013

15 Feb 2013
Chemicals - EU

European Commission Regulation 73/2012 amends annexes I and V to Regulation 689/2008 on the export and import of dangerous chemicals so that several substances, including 2-naphthyloxyacetic acid, acetochlor, alachlor, aldicarb, asulam, chloropicrin, diphenylamine, endosulfan, flufenoxuro, naled and propargite are added to the lists, while others, such as bifenthrin and metam, are removed.

Regulation 73/2012 applies from 1 April 2013.

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