Firms call on MPs to tackle climate change

Insurance giants Allianz, Aviva and Swiss Re have been joined by the Aldersgate Group in urging politicians to work together to address the causes of climate change

In an open letter to UK politicians, a group of 12 organisations, which also includes companies known for their sustainability efforts such as Kingfisher, Interface and Anglian Water, have called for cross-party consensus and “bold action” to mitigate the effects of climate change.

The firms argue that the recent, dramatic floods in the UK are symptomatic of climate change and are likely to only become more frequent in future. They call on politicians to address the causes of climate change and not simply focus on managing flood risks.

“All parties must look beyond the short-term and demonstrate their commitment to creating a low carbon economy through domestic decisions and international leadership,” states the letter. “Only bold action will maximise investment and innovation to deliver resilience... Without this the costs will continue to pile up.”

Andrew Raingold, executive director of the sustainable development think tank the Aldersgate Group, said: “Adapting to the changing climate without addressing the root cases is like dishing out painkillers when we need major surgery.

“Political parties must come together to show leadership beyond the parliamentary cycle.”

Meanwhile, Nick Lakin from Kingfisher, commented: “Climate change poses a threat to businesses and communities alike. The floods we have seen are a foretaste of what we could expect as the climate system is disrupted. Far more action is needed.”

The group’s comments echo a statement from IEMA earlier in the month, which urged MPs to stop using the floods as a “political football”.

“Treating the environment as a political football is unhelpful – it’s far too important an issue to be kicked around,” read the statement.

“Cross-party consensus and climate leadership is required to determine the priorities and level of funding needed to provide communities with the protection they need

“Building resilience to the challenges of climate change requires government, businesses and society to work together to mitigate impacts and invest in protection.”

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