Free access to all DECC SEA reports

Environment professionals can now access all of the information gathered and published through DECC's offshore strategic environmental assessment (SEA) process.

The SEA process was created in 1999 to ensure ministers taking policy decisions over offshore energy developments consider environmental protection and sustainable development.

Reports created under the scheme examine a broad range of environmental aspects from geology and conservation to marine mammals and wind power.

The British Geological Survey (BGS) has now launched a new online data portal collating all of the reports. It gives free access to the data collected to date and will collect all the raw, interpreted datasets and published reports for the foreseeable future.

It is thought that environment professionals, particularly those from within the energy sectors or working in coastal flood defence, will be able to use the data in environmental impact assessments.

The portal can be search by topic or using a map index to find data and documents by their SEA area, subject and type.

To access the portal visit the BGS website.

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