Getting the collective voice of the profession heard

IEMA's chief executive Jan Chmiel spreading the environmental message in his latest article on The Guardian's sustainable business blog

“The more businesses that report on their greenhouse-gas [GHG] emissions, the greater the financial and carbon benefits,” says IEMA’s chief executive Jan Chmiel in his latest comment article on The Guardian’s sustainable business blog in February.

“Practising professionals are clear that GHG reporting by businesses can make a unique contribution to overall energy and carbon reduction, to business competitiveness and in helping companies to adapt and prepare for the future green economy,” he concluded.

The “practising professionals” that Chmiel refers to are the 80% of IEMA members who told us in our 2010 survey into GHG management and reporting that mandatory reporting should be introduced for companies as it can deliver significant benefits. His article is part of IEMA’s ongoing strategy to influence government and help the media, particularly business titles, to understand the mandatory carbon reporting debate as it progresses.

The institute is only able to do this because of the contributions and evidence supplied by members through surveys, consultations and workshops.

You can add your voice via these portals throughout the year as IEMA continues to work on your behalf. IEMA will be contacting you to seek your views regularly, so please take the time to help us understand and represent your position to external audiences.

To read the full article visit The Guardian's sustainable business blog.

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