IEMA submits evidence to the Skidmore Review

IEMA has responded to the Skidmore Review of Net Zero: call for evidence, calling for greater clarity and certainty in policy direction.

The review’s remit is to ensure that delivering net zero does not place undue burdens on businesses or consumers. It invited submissions on the challenges and opportunities that organisations face in the transition.

The key barrier, according to IEMA members, was inconsistent government messaging, with policies repeatedly delayed or withdrawn. The costs of infrastructure for the transition were also raised, with some members finding it hard to make a business case for investment in the face of uncertain regulatory requirements.

Members called for mandatory transition plans and for organisations to be required to implement energy efficiency recommendations. This would enable climate teams to put forward successful business cases for investment in decarbonisation. There were also calls for faster changes to building regulations, with members arguing that it is more efficient to build right first time rather than retrofit later.

Clear signals are sought from central government on the direction and pace of travel, together with a commitment to invest in the green skills required to pool and consolidate talent in the UK. The response also places an emphasis on export opportunities, building on the UK’s record of leading on technological development. The transition presents internationally significant opportunities for the UK economy.

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