IEMA to host at UNFCCC COP24

IEMA has been selected by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to jointly host an event at the upcoming COP24 climate talks. And, subject to ratification, IEMA has been approved as an official body for the first time.

COP24 is the informal name for the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which will be held from 3-14 December 2018 in Katowice, Poland. Critical issues that need to be addressed include:

  • Finalising the Paris Rulebook, which sets out the detailed rules for countries fulfilling their commitments set out in their nationally determined contributions
  • Providing clarity on the role of non-state actors (ie businesses) in delivering change
  • Developing the financial mechanisms to ensure the flow of funds from richer to poorer countries to transition to low-carbon systems and adapt to climate change.

Bodies that are officially recognised by UNFCCC can apply to host conference side-events that contribute to the talks. This year – following previous attendance at the previous COP talks, including the seminal COP21 in Paris 2015, as guests of ISO– IEMA’s joint application with ISO and the International Accreditation Forum has been successful. Our joint event will focus on international standards and bring together leading names from standards development, implementation and governance.

Final details were being confirmed as TRANSFORM went to press. Further information is available from the UNFCCC COP24 website.

Image credit: iStock

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