July-August: Connect: Social and community news

The IEMA community's news for July-August.

Book Review: Beyond Global Warming

Written by Syukuro Manabe and Anthony J Broccoli, the book discusses exactly how carbon dioxide causes global warming. It evolved from the research and lecture notes of Manabe's Princeton University course on atmospheric and oceanic science, and will be most useful to readers with advanced maths and physics knowledge. It delves deep into the equations that model how heat circulates between and within the atmosphere and oceans, accounting for solar radiation.

Each chapter builds upon the last, describing how climate models evolved from the 1900s to the present day. At first, relatively simple equations only considered the vertical distribution of heat in the atmosphere. Later models took into account the circulation of wind and temperature around the earth. Eventually, complexities such as the transfer of heat between the atmosphere and oceans were added. Three fascinating themes are: how models developed in parallel with computers; the ongoing search for climate sensitivity; and how climate models provide a deeper understanding of how the climate system works.

The book also gave an insight into the history of climate scientists such as John Tyndall, who identified that CO2 causes a greenhouse effect in the 1850s, and Guy Stewart Callendar, who proposed in 1923 that humans' increased CO2 emissions were heating the atmosphere.

Marek Bidwell

Finding your happy place

The IEMA Book Club webinar on 28 May discussed Happy City by Charles Montgomery. Marek Bidwell and a panel of five members assembled for a wide-ranging discussion. The book considers how cities have been planned and managed, and asks why some of the most prosperous cities have some of the unhappiest citizens. The webinar was interactive, with panellists responding to comments from an audience of around 50. Several said the book encouraged them to think differently about their areas.

Key points discussed were:

  • The importance of accessible green space in cities for physical and mental health
  • The need to put people before profit or aesthetic architectural design
  • How to influence and change planning regulations
  • What if happiness took centre stage as we reimagine communities post-COVID-19?
  • Safer transport options should be a priority, with emphasis on cycling and walking
  • Greater investment in smart cities, particularly increasing broadband access and speeds.

The panel concluded that the priorities for a 'happy city' were people – and taking back control of the places we live in.

The Book Club is aiming to become quarterly – so look out for future announcements.

Quote Unquote

'Chris has broken the mould in being the first winner of the newcomer award, which is a fantastic tribute to his commitment & energy in the first stages of his career.' IEMA CEO @mukherjee_sarah. Well done @ChrisLandsburgh MIEMA CEnv on your award-winning #environmental work!


Huge congratulations to IEMA member @DavidSymons FIEMA #CEnv from @wsp for winning the @SocEnv_HQ 2020 Environmental Professional of the Year Award! Big well done to all the finalists in this category too. #SocEnvAwards #Environment #Sustainability


In @IEMA_Transform this month a really interesting article by @Bankfieldbecky @LancasterUni about why democracy needs to be redesigned to tackle Climate Change. Covid-19 has shown we can do things differently when needed. #ClimateChange @GreenLibDems


Love the front cover of this month's @IEMA_Transform #feelingthesting @iemanet


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