New BATs for Industrial Emission Directive

The EC has unveiled new "best available techniques" (BATs) for iron and steel, and glass production ahead of the implementation of the Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU) (IED) at the start of next year

It has also published the full BAT reference notes, known as BREFs. The implementing decisions on BAT conclusions on industrial emissions from iron and steel, and glass production are the first to be adopted under the IED.

Like its predecessor, the Directive on integrated pollution prevention and control (96/61/EC as amended), the IED requires some 50,000 installations across the EU to operate in accordance with permits set by national regulators such as the Environment Agency or the Scottish Environment Protection Agency.

Permit conditions are based on the use of BATs, with the BAT conclusions agreed by the commission serving as a reference for setting permit conditions.

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