New directors appointed at 2018 AGM

The 18th IEMA Annual General Meeting was held on 12 September, with members confirming the appointment of three new Non-Executive Directors to the IEMA Board.As well as approving the 2017 accounts and Directors’ report, members in attendance at the Good Hotel in London voted in the three new Board members: Louise Nicholls, Safia Iman and Richard Carter.

Louise Nicholls

Corporate head of human rights, food ssustainability and packaging at M&S

Louise Nicholls is part of M&S’s Food Technology Leadership Team, where she leads a fantastic group of food sustainability and packaging experts, supporting buying teams and the supply chain on a day-to-day basis.

She was instrumental in developing Sedex – one of the world’s largest organisations for helping companies manage responsible sourcing in their supply chains.

Nicholls has also held board positions at the Ethical Trading Initiative, the LOCOG Stakeholder oversight board and the Equality and Human Rights Commission Advisory Panel.

In addition to her current position on the IEMA Board, she is also a trustee of The Bread and Butter Thing.

Safia Iman

Founder of Global Conscious Movement International

Safia Iman has worked on senior executive teams, including working as director of transformation, and has an interest in transformative change. She trained and practised as a barrister for around 10 years, and is currently an honorary door tenant at 23 Essex Street Chambers.

Iman is also the founder of GCM, a global advisory group working to increase conscious capability and excellence in organisations and society. Working with those seeking a deeper understanding around social impact, connectivity, purpose and those committed to transformative organisational change, GCM also promotes awareness and seeks to improve conscious capability through collaboration, dialogue and uniquely curated events.

Richard Carter FIEMA

Head of finance and sustainability at Adnams

Richard Carter is a qualified chartered management accountant, and held a series of commercial finance and controller roles at BT before joining Adnams, an award-winning brewery and distillery based in Southwold, Suffolk.

In his current role, Carter demonstrates the clear and compelling business case for environmental sustainability and frequently provides guest lectures for universities including Oxford, Imperial and UEA.

In addition to his position on the IEMA Board, he sits on the board for Ashden and The National Trust’s Fit for the Future network, the ICAEW sustainability committee and the board for Cleantech East.

Chair of the IEMA Board Diana Montgomery welcomed the new Directors, saying:

“As we work towards becoming a Chartered body, this is a really exciting point in IEMA’s history. Having such a bold and ambitious goal to transform the world to sustainability means we must be responsive as well as brave, which is why we constantly seek to work with exciting organisations and the brightest minds. Our three new non-executive directors firmly fall into that last category, and I’d like to welcome Louise, Safia and Richard to the IEMA Board. Through their collective and individual knowledge, enthusiasm and ambition they will help take IEMA to the next level. I look forward to working closely with them, right away.”

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