New sustain-affinity webinars

IEMA members to benefit from free series of webinars on how to produce more sustainable communications

IEMA is supporting and collaborating with a forward-thinking communications organisation to deliver a series of sustainability-focused webinars aimed at marketing and environment professionals.

The brainchild of green marketing and corporate social responsibility (CSR) specialist Leigh Tymms, the “Sustain-affinity” series from Clarity Sustainability aims to improve engagement with sustainability among the marketing, communications, PR and social media communities.

The series is free to IEMA members and open to anyone interested in green marketing and CSR.

The first of the five webinars – entitled “Driving sustainability” – is to take place on 17 May and will look at identifying where environmental savings can be easily made, and how to integrate them into management systems and gain buy-in. Michelle Campbell-Robson from IEMA’s approved training provider Environmental Academy will lead the 40-minute session.

Tymms is optimistic that the series will prove useful.

“We hope that all of the attendees will be able to take away some practical insights. We are also encouraging participants to connect through Twitter by using the #sustainaffinity hash tag at the time of each webinar so they can share their own comments, questions and experiences.”

IEMA members are invited to join any of the webinars as a “crash course in sustainability communications” and to gain insight into leveraging engagement and building a CSR brand. Topics and dates for the webinars are:

  • 17 May, 4pm – Driving sustainability
  • 24 May, 4pm – Improving the sustainability of offerings: innovative product and service design methods.
  • 31 May, 4pm – Effective green marketing: tools to reduce waste, boost return on investment, eliminate greenwash and focus communications.
  • 7 June, 4pm – Broadening the marketing message: applying PR and social media to sustainability communications.
  • 14 June, 4pm – CSR people can engage with: how to make sustainability resonate with your audience.

To register for any of the “Sustain-affinity” series visit Clarity Sustainability's website.

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