Preference poll opens

In a follow-up to a similar poll carried out last June, IEMA is conducting this research to establish your views on what elements of membership you find most valuable.

The “preference” survey, which provides every member with the opportunity to tell IEMA about what they want from their membership, remains open until 4 September

The Institute is also asking how and when you would prefer to access information from IEMA.

We are aiming to establish where our members are positioned on the IEMA environmental skills map and where development is most needed across the membership.

This is a crucial piece of research, and is relevant to every single member of IEMA as the outcome will direct how the Institute will prioritise the provision of updates, services, publications, training and events.

You should have already received an email invite containing your unique access link to the online poll form – sent from [email protected].

If you have not yet taken part in the survey, please do so now.

The results of the research will be published in the October issue of the environmentalist.

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