Public demands political action on climate change

Seven in 10 Brits want 'urgent political action' to combat climate change, a survey of 2,000 people by The Climate Coalition and Greener UK has found.

In the midst of species extinction and increasingly dire warnings of global warming, 71% of respondents said they want their MP to support ambitious plans to tackle climate change and protect the environment.

Despite the government's pledge for net zero carbon emissions by 2050, two-thirds stated they want to see this happen faster with a new environment bill containing legally binding targets.

A mass lobby of parliament, called 'The Time Is Now', is to take place on 26 June, with more than 14,000 people representing 99% of constituencies set to come to Westminster to meet their local MP.

Friends of the Earth Chief Executive, Craig Bennett, believes immediate action to ditch fossil fuels is needed, as well as taking a strong line against future trade with nations that ignore the Paris Agreement.

He continued: “We can be the generation that turn the tide on climate change, and see growth, not extinction, in our natural world. But for that to happen, we need government to put its money where its mouth is and fund real action. The time is now.“

Approximately 80% of the survey respondents said they are worried about these issues transcending generations, from children, to parents, and grandparents.

A member of Seaton Valley Women's Institute, Rosie Harden-Vane, said: “If we don't change the way we are treating our planet with immediate effect, in my lifetime - I'm 66 - the decline will be irreversible.

“Species lost forever, homes and land lost to rising sea levels, plastic and chemicals poisoning the land, the water, plants and animals - including ourselves.“

The Time is Now event is being organised by campaign groups The Climate Coalition and Greener UK, which together consist of more than 130 organisations representing over 15 million people.

Hundreds of MPs will be taken by rickshaw to meet thousands of constituents urging politicians to get the UK on track to halting UK climate change emissions by 2045 at the latest.

Image credit: Shutterstock

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