Quote/Unquote April/May 2021

Feedback on recent editions of TRANSFORM.

A big thank you to everyone who came along to the @iemanet event in AKL last night. It was great to get together and talk about all things sustainability & environment. For those who are members, looks like @IEMA_Transform has just landed in NZ letter boxes – enjoy the read! @IEMA_NZ

Excellent @iemanet webinar today on Calculating Homeworking GHG Emissions. @Eco_Act have helpfully published a white paper on methodology. In my view, it is essential to include this for a legitimate #NetZero claim. Expertly hosted by @nblythiema @MarekBidwell

Good to hear the Chancellor announce £3k for each new apprentice hired between the 1st April to 30th September – the Environmental Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship is a great way to develop skills for a #sustainablefuture and unlocks £27k of apprenticeship levy funds @iemanet @mbaxteriema

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