TRANSFORM is going naked for World Environment Day 2018

IEMA has announced today that all future issues of TRANSFORM magazine will be free of plastic packaging as part of its #PledgeLessPlastic campaign for World Environment Day 2018.

The global sustainability body said TRANSFORM would instead be distributed via a format known as ‘naked mailing’, with no plastic or paper packaging covering the magazine.

A single sticker will be used to keep the pages closed in transit, while addresses will be printed on the back of the magazine, with the decision taken following extensive feedback from members.

IEMA CEO, Tim Balcon, said: “I’d like to thank all members for their perseverance and inspiration. It’s been our ambition to eliminate the plastic wrap for some time, as we know it’s been inconsistent with our values.

“Encouragement from members helped us find a solution that goes beyond simply replacing the plastic with another material.”

IEMA said it had explored other packaging options, but that all present environmental burdens, are prohibitively expensive, or still at the experimental stage – such as sugar cane poly wrap.

The project to eliminate the plastic wrap gathered pace in the spring of this year, with IEMA determined to find a long-term sustainable solution for World Environment Day 2018.

The UN initiative takes place on 5 June every year in an effort to raise awareness on environmental issues around the world, with the theme for 2018 ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’.

In response, IEMA launched its #PledgeLessPlastic campaign urging members to cut down on single-use plastics, while also providing a series of case studies and tool kits to help them along the way.

Removing plastic packaging from TRANSFORM magazine is the latest part of this campaign, with the new naked mailing approach set to be used for the next issue due for publication on 1 July.

“I think we’ve demonstrated the foresight and skills exemplified by IEMA members; tenacity, bravery, innovation, interrogating all the options and looking beyond what’s easy to find a solution which is right for the long-term,” Balcon added.

Image credit: iStock

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