23/07/2024 | 0 min read

A Legal Perspective on EIA from Scotland and the wider UK (Info on Scotland, EIA Conference 2020)

One of Scotland’s best-known planning lawyers - Neil Collar (BrodiesLLP) – will provide his legal perspective on issues related to EIA practice, covering aspects of case law and issues he regularly finds when reviewing EIAs. Followed by details about Scotland’s EIA Conference 2020 (Josh Fothergill). Rounded off with a Q&A. This webinar marks the opening of activities related to Scotland‚ EIA Conference 2020, which IEMA has joined as a delivery partner, alongside FothergillTC, Scottish Government, HES, SEPA and SNH. The webinar provided initial details for the conference, but its focus was a presentation and Q&A with Neil Collar ‚ Partner at Brodies LLP ‚who has been a regular speaker and participant over the four years the conference has been running. One of Scotland‚ best-known planning lawyers - Neil Collar‚ provided his legal perspective on issues related to EIA process and practice. Considering questions such as: - What case law do we need to be aware of to deliver effective EIA? - Is there variation in the approach and number of legal challenges to EIA across the UK? - What issues does he find regularly in legal review work of EIA practice? The latter stages of the webinar gave an opportunity for attendees to ask Neil questions about his views on effective and legally compliant EIA. Following Neil's‚ presentation‚ Josh Fothergill (Founder & Coordinator of Scotland's EIA Conference) provided details of the programme, sponsors and planned date of the 2020 Edinburgh event as well as the all-important information about when its free tickets are currently scheduled to become available. This webinar counts for 1 hour of CPD, so don't forget to add it to your IEMA CPD Portal. This can be accessed through your member account on