This seventh volume from the series focusses on CEA in EIA and seeks to aid practitioners through guidance and advice on this complex area of practice. Created in partnership with the IEMA Impact Assessment Network Steering Group and Guest Edited by Andy Mitchell, Associate at Arup. This IA Outlook Journal is a treasure trove for anyone working within, or interested in, Cumulative Effects Assessment.
The EIA process requires the consideration of cumulative effects to be undertaken. However, guidance on this area of practice is often lacking, and a variety of methodologies are adopted by different practitioners. Broadly speaking, CEA falls into two strands, the first being to ensure that the effects of the project are considered cumulatively alongside those of other proposed developments in geographic proximity to the project, and then secondly, to ensure that cumulative effects are considered for a single receptor (i.e. people, wildlife or the physical environment) where multiple impacts (i.e. noise, air quality, traffic and visual impacts) are predicted to arise from the scheme.
Due to the potential complexity involved in assessing cumulative effects, Volume 7 of our Impact Assessment Outlook Journal series explores these issues and provides guidance for practitioners.
Download your copy here