This webinar considered environmental resilience, from two different perspectives: a city-based approach and a topic based approach. We specifically looked at the re-imagining of Belfast and our relationship with Nature through Biodiversity, which is this year’s theme for World Environment Day. This webinar considered environmental resilience, from two different perspectives: a city-based approach and a topic based approach. We specifically looked at the re-imagining of Belfast and our relationship with Nature through Biodiversity, which is this year’s theme for World Environment Day. We were joined by Heidi Curran, Principal Environmental Consultant at Jacobs, Donncha Madden, Senior Ecologist at Arup, Keith O'Flynn Project Environmental Manager at Graham Farrans Joint Venture A6 – Randalstown to Toome and Craig Johnson, Senior Environmental Consultant at Mabbett. They covered the following topics: On re-imagining Belfast: 1. Future Proofing Belfast; and 2. A bold plan to ‘Re-imagine’ Belfast city centre; Please note: Both of these plans were developed prior to COVID-19; this kind of thinking is now more important than ever as we consider a post-lockdown world and how we can build back better for the environment and communities. Biodiversity: 1. Biodiversity Net Gain; and 2. Implications for nature and biodiversity during the COVID-19 lockdown These presentations focused on a specific topic and its future and current role as we re-imagine nature and our future relationship with it. *This event is recognised as 1 hour of IEMA CPD