
How the University of Bath has integrated experiential learning into MSc curricula

At a time when sustainability challenges are at the forefront of global concerns, it is crucial for the education sector and businesses to collaborate effectively. Our university recognises this and recently transformed our curriculum to align our educational offerings with the evolving needs of the business sector.

This transformation was driven by a commitment to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to address contemporary sustainability issues. The outcome has been the integration of experiential learning into our established MSc in sustainability and management programme at the School of Management, and the introduction of a new MSc course on decarbonisation at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Both programmes provide students with opportunities to engage directly with real-world challenges.

We believe that experiential learning is a cornerstone of MSc curricula, and is designed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Through a combination of practice tracks, internships, fieldwork and industry projects, our students gain invaluable insights into the application of sustainability principles in various contexts. This hands-on approach ensures that our graduates are not only well versed in theoretical concepts but also skilled at implementing solutions in real-world scenarios.

Working with industry

A key feature of our revamped programme is industry collaboration. We have established partnerships with leading corporations and smaller enterprises, enabling our students to see sustainability practices in action. These collaborations expose students to current industry trends and challenges, enhancing their learning experience and broadening their perspectives. Simultaneously, our industry partners benefit from access to the latest evidence-based research conducted by our faculty, offering fresh insights into their sustainability issues.

With a balanced approach between theoretical learning and practical application, our programme gives graduates a blend of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and industry experience, which makes them highly sought after by employers who are looking for innovative solutions to complex challenges. By fostering a dynamic learning environment that emphasises both theory and practice, we are preparing the next generation of sustainability leaders in the best possible way.

As sustainability continues to evolve as a critical global priority, the need for educational programmes that effectively combine academic rigour with practical experience will only grow. We hope that other business schools will embrace this approach too, enabling them to prepare future managers who are skilled in addressing sustainability-related challenges.

Software firm collaborates with students

Students took part in a consulting project with Mistral Data, a small software company that provides data-driven software solutions and insights to the UK transport industry. The students reviewed the company’s sustainability strategy with the aim of identifying industry best practices and making recommendations.

Although Mistral Data’s leadership team recognised the importance of sustainability in their company values, they were keen to work with student consultants to see how they could embed a meaningful strategy within the culture of their organisation.

Initial analysis revealed that, despite the lack of a formal strategy, there was already significant progress in areas of social sustainability and governance. However, following a gap analysis, the students were able to make actionable recommendations on diversity and inclusion, sustainable product development and reducing carbon emissions.

Mistral Data’s managing director, Duncan Waugh, says: “Participating in this project has been hugely beneficial. We have been able to recognise what we already do well and where we can make improvements.

“We have offered internships to two students this summer, so that we can act on the recommendations made and move our business forwards in its sustainability journey.”

DR KOSTAS IATRIDIS is associate professor in business and society and director of studies, MSc sustainability and management. SARAH PEEL is MSc careers and external engagement adviser. Both are at the School of Management, University of Bath.