
Companies can be used for the greater good, if you only harness their potential. Antonia Tony-Fadipe weighs up your options

Have you ever thought of companies as powerful entities capable of shaping destinies, fostering growth or stalling progress? I see companies as the powerful entities they are, yet I am disheartened when their potential is not harnessed for the greater good.

I am a coach and diversity, equity and inclusion consultant with more than nine years of experience facilitating connections among leaders, their diverse teams and the wider community. My mission? Empowering employee resource groups and forging pathways for diverse talents into corporate boardrooms. I believe that everyone, regardless of their background, should have equal access to opportunities, so I create impactful initiatives that connect companies to diverse people.

Working within the criminal justice sector allowed me to see firsthand the power of companies. I consulted with organisations, reviewed their human resources processes and helped them open their vacancies to people with criminal convictions. These companies took a bold step and, as a result, they changed lives and gained a competitive advantage. By stepping away from the norm, they made a lasting impact. Many companies are afraid to deviate from the standard approach and consequently miss opportunities to make a significant impact while staying ahead of the curve. How pointless is it to run a business without making an impact?

Open hiring

One of the most fulfilling experiences in my career has been collaborating closely with The Body Shop to initiate positive change and dismantle barriers. In partnership with HR leadership, I led the implementation of open hiring in the UK market. With open hiring, the first to apply is the first to get offered the opportunity, ensuring a fair and unbiased recruitment process. This approach removed obstacles, mitigated bias and has already had a positive effect on more than 4,500 people globally, with the count still growing.

For those of you wanting to make an impact personally or through your organisation, you simply need to ‘DO IT’, using ‘data, objectives, initiatives and tracking’. This model, which I have successfully used with companies, ensures alignment with corporate goals. Start with data – conduct an internal audit to establish your baseline. Where is the company now? Who are the key stakeholders? Do you have their buy-in? What are the current lived experiences of your colleagues? What societal trends are influencing your industry? Collecting this information provides a clear starting point.

Next, set your objectives. What are the company’s goals? How does this project align with them? Where do you ideally want to be as a business? Ensure that these objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART).

Reaching your goals

With data and objectives in place, implement initiatives to bridge the gap between your current state and your goals. These could include creating training modules, introducing development programmes, holding events, establishing steering committees, partnering with charities or specialist organisations, and so on. These initiatives will drive progress towards your objectives.


“[Open hiring] has already had a positive effect on more than 4,500 people globally”


Lastly, track your progress. Regularly review the work being done, ensure stakeholders are fulfilling their roles, and use data analysts to provide metrics to measure success. Part of tracking involves evaluating what is working and what is not. By continuously monitoring and adjusting your approach, you can ensure sustained impact.

In conclusion, the power of companies to effect change is immense, yet often underutilised. Embracing a proactive approach to diversity, equity and inclusion gives organisations a competitive edge as well as fulfilling their social responsibility. The journey towards a more inclusive workplace requires commitment and action – starting with data, setting clear objectives, implementing strategic initiatives and tracking progress. It is not just about ticking boxes – it is about creating an environment where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. Let us not waste the potential to make a significant impact. Together we can transform our workplaces and, ultimately, our world.

Antonia Tony-Fadipe is an award-winning diversity, equity and inclusion consultant and coach