12th October 2023 - 2:00pm - 3:00pm

The interconnected nature of organisations, sectors and the environment can allow the effects of climate change to cascade and accumulate. For example, along supply chains, via energy or transport infrastructure, or between those that are co-located.

This webinar will use examples to illustrate the issue of ‘interdependencies’ as it relates to climate change adaptation.

Example 1: Anytown. A project led by London Resilience that brought together sector experts and practitioners from London and beyond to discuss the potential implications of disruption to infrastructure. Presented by the London Climate Change Partnership.

Example 2: Environmental constraints in Industrial clusters. An EA led project to investigate constraints including from water availability and flooding on the cumulative deployment of carbon capture and hydrogen technology in the Humber and Teeside industrial clusters.

Delegates will gain an understanding of how interdependencies affect the nature and scale of physical climate risks and an appreciation of the need for new ways of engaging and collaborating.