How do I commit to the code?

Because the Code of Professional Conduct is such an important element of membership, sign up is mandatory for all members. You will be asked to pledge your commitment to the code when you join, upgrade or renew your membership, so you can always demonstrate that your credentials are current and valid.

Sign up is as easy as it is important. Simply login to MyIEMA, click on the blue banner and complete your membership declarations. That’s it – you won’t need to do anything else, and you’ll be able to start demonstrating your commitment to the highest professional ethics.

Why not download this Code Card so you can show – on social media, your outgoing e-mails and your website – that you have pledged to abide by the IEMA code. Don’t forget to use the #IClickedTheCode hashtag when you’re telling your Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook followers about your excellent credentials.
