These are the terms and conditions of membership of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA), the world’s foremost community of environment and sustainability leaders and advocates for environmental and sustainable business. On becoming a member of IEMA, you are automatically agreeing to abide by the IEMA Code of Professional Conduct and to these terms and conditions.

These terms refer to the following additional terms, which also apply to your use of our site and your membership:

(a) our Privacy Policy;

(b) our Cookie Policy;

(c) our Terms of Use of IEMA’s website;

(d) our Code of Professional Conduct

Our Details

Company Registration Number: 03690916.

Place of Registration: England and Wales.

Registered office address: IEMA, Fenland House, 15 B Hostmoor Avenue, March, Cambridgeshire, PE15 0AX, United Kingdom

Membership Applications

IEMA welcomes applications from people who are interested in and working in the environmental and sustainability arena. Submitting a membership application for a specific grade does not guarantee membership at that grade. Our member levels can be found on our membership page on our website

Data Protection

The personal data which you supply will be used to process your application and/or membership subscription and as a member of IEMA your data will be used for marketing, statistical and analytical purposes and to administer your membership. For more information about how we use personal data refer to our Privacy Policy.

Membership Fees

Membership of IEMA across all of our grades and access to member services is conditional upon the payment of the appropriate membership fee. All fees are displayed on our website:

You may make a one-off payment for a year’s membership by credit or debit card or an annual direct debit payment.

We reserve the right to increase our membership fees on an annual basis and updates will be placed on our website

Members are responsible for covering all charges for the sending and receiving of payment, ensuring IEMA receive the full amount due in British Pound (GBP).


VAT is not charged on membership fees, but it is charged on additional services e.g., for administering your entry on a professional register, or for processing a charge from the Society for the Environment. Whilst most of our services are provided to you within your membership fee, we are required by HMRC to also charge VAT on events where a fee has been levied, such as a regional conference or a specific webinar. This will also apply to non-members who would like to join you at an event.

Membership Cards

As a sustainability organisation, IEMA does not automatically issue membership cards however, members can opt to receive one by contacting our Membership Team at the point of admission or renewal.


There are different levels of IEMA membership available. Please visit our website at to learn more about what upgrading means for the next stage of your development and membership of IEMA.

Membership Renewals and Cancellations

Membership is annual. Your membership will become eligible for renewal fees one year following your original joining or renewal payment. Your membership will be continued unless a written cancellation (via letter or email) is received by the Membership Team at least one week before your renewal date.

The amount due from you in respect of the next payment year will be included in your renewals notification prior to the end of your membership year. If you pay by Direct Debit, fees will be taken at the new rate unless we receive notice of change of membership or cancellation.

Professional Conduct

All members of IEMA are required to uphold a high standard of professional conduct and adhere to IEMA’s Code of Professional Conduct. If IEMA receives a complaint about a member and their conduct, or is aware of potential misconduct, we will always investigate the matter fairly and thoroughly in accordance with our Professional Conduct and Discipline Process. IEMA Members are required to comply fully and constructively with any investigation IEMA conduct.

Access IEMA

By subscribing to Access IEMA, you will receive a free subscription for the duration of your Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), and will receive access to some of the benefits of IEMA to assist you in your studies. During this time, you do not have an active membership and therefore will not have professional recognition, you do not have the right to vote as a member, attend IEMA’s AGM or be entitled to a paper copy of Transform.

Unpaid Subscription Fees

IEMA is a not-for-profit organisation and unpaid subscription fees therefore impact directly on our ability to plan and provide services for our members. Consequently, IEMA reserves the right to take necessary steps to recover unpaid subscription fees, including legal fees.

In any circumstances where the subscription fees remain unpaid following the due date for payment, IEMA reserves the following rights:

a. To demand immediate payment of any outstanding sums due

b. To withdraw the facility to make subsequent payments by instalment

c. To charge an administration fee of £25 plus any costs of recovery

d. To add any interest to any outstanding amounts at 4% above the Bank of England base rate

e. To cancel your membership

If you anticipate any problems with the payment of your subscription, please contact the Membership Services team at the earliest opportunity to discuss. In particular, please ensure that you contact the team if you intend to cancel your Direct Debit instruction and/or use another form of payment otherwise IEMA will incur bank charges for seeking a Direct Debit payment without an active mandate.

If you have asked us to collect from a specific account and our request is returned to the bank as ‘unpaid’ on more than 3 occasions, we will ask you for details of another bank account from which IEMA can successfully collect your payment and reserve the right to pass on any administration charges that may have been incurred as a result.

You agree that any outstanding amounts on your membership account must be cleared on termination and for the avoidance of doubt, before you can be reinstated as a member of IEMA.

Membership Reinstatements

Depending on how long you have been away, and the grade that you wish to rejoin at, there are different requirements and fees for reinstating your membership. Please visit our website for full details

Membership Cancellations

You can cancel your membership at any time however, your membership is for one year and IEMA do not provide refunds in any circumstances. Your membership will automatically be cancelled if we do not receive payment from you and future reinstatement may incur a fee. Please see our website for more information


IEMA does not refund members once payment has been received in any circumstances.

Reduced Fees

Reduced rates are available to members in special circumstances. IEMA has the right to request proof of eligibility.

Membership Offers

Sometimes IEMA will provide special offers to members that cannot be applied retrospectively. Prices will revert to normal at the end of the offer period or at renewal.

Membership Preferences

When you join IEMA, you provide us with your personal details, including your address, phone number and email. By giving us this information, you are agreeing that IEMA may contact you from time to time by email, SMS text message or post, with information related to services, products and events.

You may at any time opt out of receiving communications from IEMA by visiting our website


IEMA is wholly committed to providing members with a high-quality service and will at all times endeavour to meet your needs. Therefore, if there is a problem we need you to tell us. We hope that we can address any issue that arises before it evolves into a reason for complaint.

We value your feedback, both positive and negative and we take complaints very seriously. You may be assured that all problems and complaints will be dealt with both courteously and promptly, so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible. IEMA intend to respond to your concerns in a professional and efficient manner and would ask that your dealings with IEMA staff also reflect this approach.

If you are an IEMA member and you are dissatisfied with the service you have received, or are unhappy with how you have been treated by a member of IEMA staff, please contact us as soon as the matter arises either by email at [email protected] or by calling our Membership Services team on +44(0) 1522 540 069. The individual dealing with your enquiry will endeavor to rectify the situation immediately or if unable to, can advise you of the most appropriate person to speak to.

Alternatively, you may wish to write to us. We aim to respond to all written comments and complaints within 7 working days. If we feel the matter will take longer to investigate, we will acknowledge receipt of your letter and indicate when you can expect to receive a full and final response.

Any written complaints should be addressed to the Head of Operations and emailed to [email protected].

Complaints against partners and third parties

Whilst we always try to ensure that staff, local examiners, Assessors and EQAs carry out their duties in a professional and responsible manner there may be exceptional instances where a learner or a training partner is unhappy with their conduct. In these circumstances please follow our complaints process.

Changes to our Terms and Conditions for IEMA Members

IEMA reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. The most recent version of these terms is binding and can be found on our website: