What will IEMA’s joining/registration/application fees be from 1st February 2020?

As approved by IEMA’s Board the joining fees for each of IEMA’s membership levels will be charged at the following rates due on or after 1st February 2020.

2020 Joining and Application Fees



Student£25.75£25.75 membership fee
Affiliate£130£130 Membership fee
Graduate£130£130 Membership fee
Associate£222.50£140 Membership Fee, £82.50 Application Fee
Associate Exam (Exempt)£140£140 Membership Fee
Practitioner£279£170 Membership Fee, £109 Application Fee
Full£454£186 Membership Fee, £268 Application Fee
Full Member + Cenv£566£186 Membership Fee, £268 Application Fee, £88 SocEnv Fee, £20 SocEnv Admin Fee + VAT
Fellow£480£212 Membership Fee, £268 Application Fee
Fellow + CEnv£575£205 Membership Fee, £260 Application Fee, £88 SocEnv Fee, £20 SocEnv Admin Fee + VAT
Retired£54£54 Membership Fee

2020 Renewal Fees



Student£25.75£25.75 Renewal Fee
Affiliate£130£130 Renewal Fee
Graduate£130£130 Renewal Fee
Associate£140£140 Renewal Fee
Practitioner£170£170 Renewal Fee
Full£186£186 Renewal Fee
Full Member + Cenv£242£186 Renewal Fee, £44 SocEnv Fee, £10 SocEnv Admin Fee + VAT
Fellow£212£212 Renewal Fee
Fellow + Cenv£268£212 Renewal Fee, £44 SocEnv Fee, £10 SocEnv Admin Fee + VAT
Retired£54£54 Renewal Fee

2020 Upgrade Fee*



Graduate£21£21 Upgrade fee
Associate£82.50£82.50 Upgrade fee
Associate (exam exempt)£82.50£82.50 Upgrade fee
Practitioner£109£109 Upgrade fee
Full£268£268 Upgrade fee
Full Member + Cenv£380£268 Upgrade fee, £88 SocEnv fee, £20 SocEnv Admin fee +VAT
Fellow£268£268 Upgrade fee
Fellow + CEnv£380£268 Upgrade fee, £88 SocEnv fee, £20 SocEnv Admin fee +VAT

2020 Specialist Registration Fees



Principal Environmental Auditor£443.20£130 membership fee, £261 application fee + VAT
Environmental Auditor£305.20£130 membership fee, £146 application fee +VAT
Associate Environmental Auditor£179.20£130 membership fee, £41.00 application fee +VAT
Lead Environmental Management System Auditor£215.20£130 membership fee, £71 application fee +VAT
Environmental Management System Auditor£184.00£130 membership fee, £45.00 application fee +VAT
ESOS Lead Assessor Training Workshop only£480.00including VAT
ESOS Lead Assessor including 1 day Training£510.00including VAT
ESOS Lead Assessor (application only)£150including VAT
Principal Environmental Impact Assessor£443.20£130 membership fee, £261 +VAT application fee
Registered Environmental Impact Assessor£305.20£130 membership fee, £146 + VAT application fee
Associate Environmental Impact Assessor£179.20£130 membership fee, £41.00 + VAT application fee

2020 Specialist Registration Renewal



Principal Environmental Auditor£42.00including VAT
Environmental Auditor£42.00including VAT
Associate Environmental Auditor£42.00including VAT
Lead Environmental Management System Auditor£42.00including VAT
Environmental Management System Auditor£42.00including VAT
ESOS Lead Assessor£42.00including VAT
Principal Environmental Impact Assessor£42.00including VAT
Registered Environmental Impact Assessor£42.00including VAT
Associate Environmental Impact Assessor£42.00including VAT

*Upgrade fees are a one off payment to be made at the time of your upgrade, please note that renewal fees are still applicable and will be required to maintain your membership.

What is the change from the 2019 to the 2020 rate for my Membership renewal?

Affiliate - £5

Associate - £5

Practitioner - £5

Full - £5

Full / Chartered Environmentalist £6

Fellow - £7

Fellow / Chartered Environmentalist - £8

I’m a Student member; how much will my next renewal cost?

As standard, your renewal will be £25.25 We recognise that you when joining and renewing your IEMA Membership, you are making an investment in your future so we want to do all we can to help you budget for that investment.

If your University is (or becomes) an IEMA for Universities Partner, you will be pleased to hear that your Student Membership services will be completely free of charge. If you would like to get some information on how your University can become an IEMA for Universities Partner – which would save you and all your course mates £25.25 per year – get your Course Leader to find out more at https://www.iema.net/training/iema-for-universities.

We cannot refund any Membership renewal payments you may have already made if your Student renewal date was/is before 1st February, as this new fee structure is applicable only after that date.

Why has IEMA changed some joining and renewal fees?

We review the member fees every year and have worked really hard to be both efficient and effective with membership income since we last made any changes to our fees. At the same time, we must ensure we can meet all of our current costs and invest in new and improved services for all Members and it has proved necessary to apply an increase to some Memberships.