Social sustainability is an increasingly important element of corporate reporting, as reports begin to move away from a focus on carbon emissions and towards a more holistic view of material impacts from and to the environment from an organisation’s operations. As organisations seek to measure and demonstrate their commitment to better ways of doing business, IEMA’s dedicated networks help members to improve on their professional knowledge and deliver more for their clients and employers.

The Social Sustainability Network at IEMA is led by a member Steering Group which draws together professionals across diverse sectors. The Steering Group’s role is to plan and oversee the work programme which addresses and shares the latest thinking on Social Sustainability through a variety of formats including webinars, workshops, reports and guidance papers.

Join the social sustainability network

Opting to become a member of the network means you'll receive updates about developments in this sphere and the work of the steering group, invitations to apply to join the steering group or get involved in other ways, requests to participate in consultations and notification of relevant webinars and other IEMA or external events. Use the button below to navigate to the portal and select 'social sustainability network' in your subscription preferences.


Social value

Social value is the quantification – usually financial – of an organisation’s impact on society. Social value can include a range of outcomes, such as leaving a skills legacy by employing locally and creating sustainable apprenticeships in the area around the scheme, and boosting local small, medium and micro businesses and social enterprise by ensuring they form a core part of the supply chain and that a high proportion of the project spend goes to local suppliers. Reducing air pollution, maximising green space and ensuring the value of materials is optimised through a circular economy.

Balfour Beatty – Shared Value – helping local authorities unlock
social value, 2018

Sustainable procurement

Sustainable procurement is the process of making purchasing decisions that meet an organisation’s needs for goods and services in a way that benefits not only the organisation but society as a whole, while minimising its impact on the environment. This is achieved by ensuring that the working conditions of its suppliers’ employees are decent, the products or services purchased are sustainable, where possible, and that socio-economic issues, such as inequality and poverty, are addressed. ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement Standard.


Sarah Nurton

Social impact manager, Wienerberger

Sally Taylor

Sustainable procurement specialist, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Richard Lupo

FIEMA, Chair of Social Sustainability Steering Group, Managing Director of SHIFT Environment

Chris Illman

Head of responsible business, Beazley

Alexander Sykes

Global responsible sourcing lead, Diageo

Cath Howard

Environmental sustainability manager, Balfour Beatty

Elizabth Chawner

Sustainability advisor, Siemens Mobility

Elena Gonzalez

Sustainability strategy manager social value, Network Rail

Anna Farquharson

Head of social value, ISS UK & Ireland

Amy Healey

Senior social sustainability advisor, HM Revenue and Customs

Joanne Murphy FIEMA

Sustainable Business Manager, Environment Agency

Want to know more?

If you want to know more about the work of our policy and practice team, please get in touch!

[email protected]