IEMA's Policy and Engagement Lead for Impact Assessment, Rufus Howard discusses the launch of the IEMA GHG Emissions Guidance, which will help practitioners understand and record the GHG implications of developments, and through iterative design and the application of the mitigation hierarchy, lead to reduced GHG emissions from major developments.

As set out in the IPPC’s latest report published today, on climate change impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability, the evidence is clear on how accelerating planetary heating is compounding risks and making it harder to achieve the globally agreed "Sustainable Development Goals" by the 2030 deadline. This once again reinforces why reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is an urgent priority globally and within the UK.

Within the field of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) there is a requirement to assess the impact of the project on climate (for example the nature and magnitude of greenhouse gas emissions) and the vulnerability of the project to climate change.


Published by:

Rufus Howard FIEMA

Policy and Engagement Lead

Dr Howard is the policy and engagement lead for Impact Assessment at IEMA and a leading professional in EIA, with two decades of international experience across renewable energy and major infrastructure. A Fellow of IEMA and Chartered Environmentalist, Rufus holds degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Law, and a doctorate in Management. A trusted advisor, Rufus has directed environmental projects for major organisations such as the World Bank, The Crown Estate, Natural Resources Wales, the EBRD, Statkraft, Orsted, National Grid, and the Environment Agency. Rufus lives in Kent with his wife and three daughters and enjoys walking in nature, cooking, music, kayaking and archery.