The following blog has been written by Ryngan Pyper, the Guest Editor of Volume 21 of the IEMA Impact Assessment Outlook Journal, Impact Assessment Frontiers Part 2: People, Health and Equality.

In this volume, we hear from the field’s experts on some exciting and innovative types of assessment. We explore Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment, Gender Impact Assessment, Equality Impact Assessment, Health Impact Assessment, and Human Rights Impact Assessment.

Some of the articles in the new volume focus on introducing specialisms, others build on those introductions and provide some in-depth case studies. The case studies demonstrate the real value of these people-focused impact assessments and reflect on the process of developing the conditions for such assessments to occur. The latter is demonstrated through two contrasting experiences of developing Health Impact Assessment, one from Italy where the journey is beginning, and another from Wales where requirements, after a long journey, have now been enshrined in statute (though, as the article notes, that is simply the start of a new journey).

This series of articles is reflective of what the future could look like if these assessments, which have historically been at the margins, were to become mainstream. That vision is of the major decisions, in the public and private sector, being developed and implemented with foresight and understanding of the implications for key societal outcomes, particularly for vulnerable or marginalised groups. That the discussed impact assessments are not currently a routine and widespread undertaking is thought-provoking and, in this editor’s view, concerning.

Looking into the volume we see a thread of valuable impact assessments that are challenged by a lack of clear and consistent triggers for them to be undertaken. For example, child rights are secured through various legislations in the UK, but without a legal requirement for Child Rights Impact Assessment itself. Similar experiences are encountered across several other specialist assessments. Gender is recognised in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, but generally lacks a legislative basis for assessment and equality has grounding UK legislation but without requiring Equality Impact Assessment specifically. Even Human Rights with all their recognition and near universal support have variable implementation and application of impact assessment processes. There is a failure to operationalise these freedoms and values through requirements for impact assessments that protect and apply them in specific decision-making processes. Health Impact Assessment has a mixed experience. In some jurisdictions there are statutory requirements, in others, the basis is entirely voluntary. Even where there are legal requirements to consider health integrated within the more mainstream assessments such as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) there are also constant pressures to narrow and limit the scope of understanding, preventing a full picture of what a decision would mean in terms of likely and significant effects for people and vulnerable groups.

This volume shines a spotlight on some key impact assessments that ask crucial and sometimes uncomfortable questions about impacts ‘to people’, including those with little voice and little power. These are, however, questions that a mature society needs to acknowledge and engage with, not just when convenient and low risk, but in all major decisions.

Challenge yourself to read the volume with the following question in mind: ‘what are we failing to take into account when we don’t have these impact assessments?’.

Download a copy of the Outlook Journal here.

If you are interested in being involved in IEMA Impact Assessment Network, joining an IA Working Group, or editing or contributing to a future Impact Assessment Outlook Journal, IEMA members can email [email protected].

Please note: the views expressed in this blog are those of the individual contributing member and are not necessarily representative of the views of IEMA or any professional institutions with which IEMA is associated.

Photo of IA Vol 21 Author
Ryngan Pyper MA PGDip CEnv MIEMA PFPH

Director of Health and Social Impact, RPS

Ryngan is an international Health Impact Assessment (HIA) expert and leads the RPS Health and Social Impact team. Ryngan works across the fields of public health, environmental science and impact assessment with a strong academic, legal and project management background. Ryngan works with the private and the public sector, including to provide standalone HIA and HIA integrated into Environmental Assessments.

Ryngan advises Government and professional bodies on good practice and is the author of key national and international guidance, including publications by IEMA, the World Health Organization and the Institute of Public Health. Ryngan works closely with environmental scientists and health organisations to ensure that development is safe, sustainable and promotes health and wellbeing. Ryngan has a strong commitment to impact assessment quality and transparency.


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