IEMA is pleased to publish its response to the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero’s consultation on their draft supplementary guidance for assessing the effects of scope 3 emissions on climate from offshore oil and gas projects. Here, Rufus Howard, IEMA’s policy and engagement lead for impact assessment, discusses the key aspects of the Institute’s response.

The proper consideration of climate change and GHGs through impact assessment is a critically important tool for decision makers. This is increasingly essential in light of the Climate Change Act, Net Zero targets, Paris Agreement and advice of the Climate Change Committee.

IEMA has already published good practice in our impact assessment guides on Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation (2015, updated 2020) and Assessing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Evaluating their Significance (2017, updated 2022). These guides have proved instrumental in raising the quality of consideration of climate and GHGs in environmental impact assessments in support of planning.


Published by:

Rufus Howard FIEMA

Policy and Engagement Lead

Dr Howard is the policy and engagement lead for Impact Assessment at IEMA and a leading professional in EIA, with two decades of international experience across renewable energy and major infrastructure. A Fellow of IEMA and Chartered Environmentalist, Rufus holds degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Law, and a doctorate in Management. A trusted advisor, Rufus has directed environmental projects for major organisations such as the World Bank, The Crown Estate, Natural Resources Wales, the EBRD, Statkraft, Orsted, National Grid, and the Environment Agency. Rufus lives in Kent with his wife and three daughters and enjoys walking in nature, cooking, music, kayaking and archery.