IEMA recently provided written evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee's inquiry on "Environmental Sustainability and Housing Growth”  IEMA’s consultation response draws on extensive engagement with planning reforms since 2020, including reviews of NSIP reforms, Environmental Outcome Reports (EORs), and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

While acknowledging some positive updates in the NPPF, IEMA expresses concerns that the proposed measures may not adequately protect the environment, especially when balancing housing growth, infrastructure development, and economic priorities against long-term environmental resilience.

Key Recommendations from IEMA include:


Published by:

Rufus Howard FIEMA

Policy and Engagement Lead

Dr Howard is the policy and engagement lead for Impact Assessment at IEMA and a leading professional in EIA, with two decades of international experience across renewable energy and major infrastructure. A Fellow of IEMA and Chartered Environmentalist, Rufus holds degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Law, and a doctorate in Management. A trusted advisor, Rufus has directed environmental projects for major organisations such as the World Bank, The Crown Estate, Natural Resources Wales, the EBRD, Statkraft, Orsted, National Grid, and the Environment Agency. Rufus lives in Kent with his wife and three daughters and enjoys walking in nature, cooking, music, kayaking and archery.