EU Parliament Environment Committee votes on Euro 5 standards


The European Parliament's Committee on the Environment Public Health and Food Safety has voted in favour of introducing Euro 5 emission standards for new cars from 1 September 2009. All new vehicles with a maximum laden weight of over 2.5 tonnes those designed to meet specific social needs such as those with wheelchair access or to seat seven or more people and LCVs will have a further year to comply.

The Euro 5 legislation also requires information on vehicle repairs associated with emissions control to be easily available to independent repairers following submissions from independent aftermarket trade bodies.

Following transition periods extending up to 1 January 2011 (for cars) and 1 January 2012 (for LCVs and PSVs as above respectively) EU Member States must refuse to grant EC or national type approval to new vehicles which do not comply with the Euro 5 limits on emissions or fuel consumption.

MEPs are already urging that dates should be set for the introduction of Euro 6 standards suggesting 1 September 2014 for private cars and 1 September 2015 for light commercial vehicles. MEPs also agreed a compromise stating that manufacturers must give independent operators access to information equivalent to that available to their authorised dealers and repair shops by means of databases.

The plenary session vote at first reading in the European Parliament will take place next month.

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