Industrialised nations should provide mitigation measures to Africa's energy crisis because they are the major contributors to climate change, which has affected the continent's hydro-power generation. "They must make contributions like afforestation programmes and financing clean energy programmes so that it does not take a decade for an energy project to reach implementation," Daudi Migereko, the energy minister, said. While presenting a paper at the World Bank Group in Washington, US, Migereko said the region was least prepared to deal with climate change. "About three-four years ago, hydro-power generation in the sub-Saharan region went down by nearly 50%. In Ghana, power supply from Akasombo Dam went down by 30%, Kidatu and Mtera in Tanzania were closed, yet they could have generated about 280MW." "As if the drought was not bad enough, the region has now been hit by floods. These are going to compound our poverty because industries have been affected due to low power supply. Revenue collection is also bound to be affected." The minister said the energy crisis in Africa was affecting efforts to meet the Millennium Development Goals.


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