Rich countries not leading on climate change: IPCC chief

The head of the United Nations's scientific panel on climate change said in an interview published Monday that developing countries were unwilling to sign up to a global deal on cutting carbon emissions because rich countries were not leading the way.

Looking at the politics of the situation I doubt whether any of the developing countries will make any commitments before they have seen the developed countries take a specific stand Rajendra Pachauri of the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change told The Guardian.

Pachauri said that while Germany was setting a positive example and Britain was doing quite well there were still reasons for dismay at many rich countries' failure to cut their carbon emissions. In several developing countries you get the feeling -- in fact people state it very clearly -- that these guys (rich countries) are going to shove the whole burden on to our shoulders. That's why it's necessary for the developed world to establish a certain credibility.

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