The Carbon Footprint Ranking of UK Investment Funds

Trucost the international environmental research organisation that produced the environmental reporting guidelines for business for the UK government has released its annual ranking of UK investment funds based on their carbon emissions.

Carbon Counts 2007: The Carbon Footprint Ranking of UK Investment Funds enables investors and others to compare investments on an environmental basis and highlights the exposure of the funds to the increasing cost associated with greenhouse gas emissions.

The report ranks the carbon intensity of 185 UK investment funds the largest ever ranking of funds on this basis and reveals the best and worst performing funds in terms of their Carbon Footprint. The funds are analysed across four categories: SRI Growth Income and Trackers. Together these funds have £73.65 billion under management.

The carbon emissions of UK companies increasingly carry a price following the introduction of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme in 2005.

Carbon Counts 2007: The Carbon Footprint Ranking of UK Investment Funds provides valuable information to fund managers looking to control and measure the risks associated with carbon emissions in their portfolios as well as individual investors seeking to get the most out of their investments while taking greater responsibility for the environment.

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