2010 on track to become warmest year ever
New data from some of the world's leading climate researchers and institutions suggest that 2010 is shaping up to be one of the warmest years ever recorded. Scientists at the US National Snow and Ice Centre Data Centre (NSIDC) report today that Arctic sea ice � frozen seawater that floats on the ocean surface � is now at its lowest physical extent ever recorded for the time of year suggesting that it is on course to break the previous record low set in 2007.Satellite monitoring by the NSIDC in Boulder Colorado shows that the melting of sea ice has been unusually fast this year with as much as 40000 sq km now disappearing daily.The melt season started almost a month later than normal at the end of March and is not expected to end until September.Meanwhile research from the polar science centre at the University of Washington suggests that the volume of sea ice in March 2010 was 20300 cubic km 38% below the 1979 level when records began.Global surface temperatures may also be at a record high according to leading climate scientist James Hansen and colleagues at the National Aeronautic Space Administration (Nasa).In a paper which is yet to be peer-reviewed but has been submitted to the journal Reviews of Geophysics they suggest that the Earth has been 0.65C warmer over the past 12 months than during the 1951 to 1980 mean and that the global temperature for 2010 will exceed the 2005 record.Hansen credited with being one of the first scientists to study climate change dismisses sceptics' claims that global warming stopped in 1998.Record high global temperature during the period with instrumental data was reached in 2010 he writes. It is likely that the 2010 global surface temperature ... will be a record.Global warming on decadal timescales is continuing without let-up ... we conclude that there has been no reduction in the global warming trend of 0.15-0.2C/decade that began in the late 1970s.The Nasa research backs up findings by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) the US national climate monitoring service that measures global temperatures by satellite. This has recorded the hottest ever first four months of a year.As a result of high sea surface temperatures the Atlantic hurricane season � which officially just started � is expected to be one of the most intense in years.