Members are invited to contribute to the development of ISO 14067. Click here for more.

As the development of the new Carbon Footprint of Products (Requirements and guidelines for quantification and communication) Standard has now reached the stage of Draft International Standard (DIS), IEMA is asking members for their views.

Member input into the development of this new Standard (ISO 14067) will help inform IEMA's response to BSi (as the national standards body responsible for UK input on all draft international standards).

So to add your views to this consultation, click here and download the DIS file and the feedback form. Please note that you will need to be logged in to the website to access these files.

Any comments and/or completed feedback forms should be returned to Nick Blyth by Monday 12th March to mailto:[email protected].

We hope you take advantage of this Member-only opportunity to shape an international Standard.


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