Unacceptable delay – Government has failed to reach a decision on making greenhouse gas reporting mandatory

With over 90% of environment professionals working in UK businesses saying that mandatory reporting should be introduced - Government now needs to urgently make a decision.

Today the Government announced that it will further delay its decision on whether to make greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting mandatory for business. The Government has had over 4 years to make a decision on this since the Climate Change Act was published in 2008.

This is an unacceptable delay. We are extremely disappointed that the Government has failed to reach a decision on whether to make GHG reporting mandatory for business. The Government has had 4 years to make a decision held a number of consultations and built up a strong evidence base that demonstrates that GHG reporting delivers cost savings for business and environmental benefits. The Government needs to urgently make a decision on this said Martin Baxter Executive Director - Policy Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA).

Growing numbers of environment professionals working in business now support GHG reporting. IEMA the UK's leading environmental professional association representing over 15000 environment professionals conducted surveys amongst its members in 2010 and 2011. There has been a significant increase in the proportion of IEMA members supporting GHG reporting - from 80% to 90% in just one year. According to IEMA members the business and environmental benefits are clear: 69% of respondents say that GHG reporting will deliver cost savings; 77% say it will lead to environmental benefits (92% say it will provide a simplified reporting framework and level playing field for reporting on their carbon emissions).

The business and environmental case is clear growing numbers of businesses support GHG mandatory reporting and both coalition parties when they were in opposition supported it. And yet the Government is now failing to make a decision provide clear leadership and the long-term direction that will enable UK businesses to save money and deliver environmental benefits. The case is clear - GHG reporting is a win win decision for business and the environment - so why delay a decision any longer? said Martin Baxter.

We look forward to a decision being made in the near future and that Government will introduce mandatory GHG reporting allowing all UK businesses and the environment to benefit said Martin Baxter.

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