Your May Environmentalist is on Its way

If you can't wait for the post read it online today.

The May 2012 issue of the environmentalist magazine is now in the post and on its way to you.

But if you cannot wait to get the printed copy you can download a PDF of this month's magazine here.

Issue 126 includes the usual news interviews briefings and these fascinating features.

  • Does yellow and blue make green?

    Former environment minister Tim Yeo MP and Aldersgate Group chair Peter Young discuss the performance of the self-titled greenest government
  • In praise of PV

    Environmental challenges have forced the PVC industry to change over the past decade. Mark Everard reveals how it started to put sustainability first
  • Catching the rays

    Southampton City Council has invested heavily in installing solar panels on its buildings with the aim of saving energy costs and driving down emissionss
  • A new dawn for planning?

    The final national planning policy framework should herald a fresh start for planning in the UK but questions remain argues Stephen Troman
  • Power supply

    Managing the voltage of a firm's electricity supply through optimisationequipment offers it the opportunity to improve its energy efficiency

This month's IEMA updates include:

  • Developing EIA: one year on
  • Progress on the skills map
  • Survey results: the future of 14001
  • Your route to Associate membership

Click on the PDF link below to open or download the latest issue. Or visit the Transform website.

Issue 126 May 2012 the environmentalist

Please note that as 'the environmentalist' is for Members only you will need to be logged in to the IEMA site to access this download.

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