Make it Easy: Pay by Direct Debit

With over 70% of IEMA members paying for part of all of their own IEMA membership renewal remembering to pay on time can often prove difficult particularly with the busy nature of environmental roles.

However forgetting to pay means membership falls into Lapsed status and access to membership features like any and the environmentalist – and any professional suffixes (AIEMA MIEMA) - are removed. Opting to renew via Direct Debit takes the hassle and personal administration out of the process and helps you to plan your finances in advance.

IEMA offers a Direct Debit Service for annual renewal payments which ensures that after receiving your renewal information you need do nothing else and your membership will remain active as will your access to all membership features and services. This is particularly useful for members who work away from their main address and are not always aware of their impending renewal date.

If you wish to make your future payments simpler quicker and by Direct Debit simply fill in this form and send back to IEMA at the address noted. A form will also accompany your April environmentalist. Once you've returned your form no further action is required and your future membership payments will be taken care of.

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