Latest Environmentalist and Learning Supplement is Available for Download

The June 2013 issue of the environmentalist magazine is on its way to you.

Many members will have already reiceved their magazine over the weekend and everyone else will get theirs during this week. If you cannot wait for your printed copy to reach you this week you can download this month's magazine here.

Issue 139 includes the usual news interviews briefings and these fascinating features

  • Drafting the future - With the revision of ISO 14001 nearing completion Sarah-Jayne Russell talks to IEMA members about the contents of the committee draft standard
  • Checking out carbon - the environmentalist reports on a new carbon measurement methodology set to transform how the international hotel sector reports its emissions
  • High fidelity - Building firm BAM was one of the first CRC participants to be audited by the Environment Agency. Lucie Ponting finds out about its record keeping
  • Books of revelation? - Will mandatory greenhouse-gas reporting in the UK deliver a sea change in company disclosure or more of the same? Paul Suff asks a group of experts
  • Talking to marketing - Sustainability messages can often be little more than greenwash. Nick Coad and Paul Pritchard discuss how environment teams can have more influence

This month's IEMA updates include:

  • Making champions out of members – new CEO Tim Balcon sets out his agenda
  • Policy update - Martin Baxter looks at plans by Defra to streamline regulatory guidance
  • All jobs done in a greener way – IEMA and City & Guilds unveil new training courses

This issue also features the June 2013 Environmentalist Learning Supplement
which includes details of all IEMA Approved Training providers who are offering environmental courses for the coming year.

Click on the PDF link below to open or download the latest issue. A full archive of PDF downloads exclusively for IEMA members can be found by clicking here. Or simply visit the environmentalistonline website for the latest news.

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