PNM issues its first sustainability report

The state's largest utility provider Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) issued a report Wednesday detailing the company's efforts in the areas of environmental awareness and improvement social responsibility and economic development.

Highlighted among PNM's actions were:

A $200 million investment commitment for the San Juan Generating Station to ensure its environmental impact is within or better than legal standards.
The state's Public Regulation Commission approved a three-part renewable energy plan in 2004 that PNM will implement this year which includes plans to establish a commercial solar generation facility and a feasibility study that will explore the creation of a biomass electrical generation facility.
The utility company is working with research and development institutions to cut its water use which accounts for 1.4 percent of all freshwater consumed in New Mexico.

The report also addresses PNM's efforts to preserve the state's cultural identity its community projects -- such as the more than 5500 hours of employee volunteer time at 10 events in 2004 -- as well as various corporate financial donations.

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