Delegate Places Going Fast for IEMA Sustainable Business
Bookings are being taken up faster than previous years. Click to book your place today.IEMA Sustainable Business: Environmental Professionals Driving Change
Tuesday 15th November - Wednesday 16th November 2011
Savoy Place London
Bookings for IEMA's 2011 conference IEMA Sustainable Business: Environmental Professionals Driving Change are currently being taken up at a much faster rate than last year.
So anyone thinking of attending this leading event - and we hope many of you are - should book very soon to avoid missing out.
As well as an impressive range of workshops a sold-out exhibition and relaxed Evening Drinks Reception speakers the conference of course features a line-up of authoritative and engaging speakers including:
- Steve Wallace - National Grid
- Henrietta Anstey - BAE Systems
- Professor Steve Evans - Cranfield University
- Paul Turner - Lloyds TSB
- Peter White - Proctor and Gamble
- Andrew Bloodworth - British Geological Survey
- Dr. Miles Watkins - Aggregate Industries
- Peter Young - SKM Enviros
- Richard Aylard - Thames Water
- Sara Eppel - Defra
- Fiona Ball - BSkyB
- Helen Woolston - Transport for London
- Toby Robins - Wiles Greenworld
- Lucy Shea - Futerra Sustainability Communications
- Diana Montgomery - Chemical Industries Association
IEMA Members can book on at any time at the special Member's Only rate of �349 for the entire conference and with group discounts available you may want to consider bringing some members of your team with you.
Click here to find out much more but ultimately this conference will provide you with the motivation and tools to do your job better so we hope that you are able to join us at Savoy Place to take advantage of them.