Two organisations committed to putting sustainability at the heart of the global economy by championing and delivering green skills, have formed an alliance spanning 25,000 environment and sustainability professionals.

IEMA, the world’s largest membership body for sustainability professionals has formed an alliance with Australasia’s peak body for environmental practitioners, the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand, which represents over 3,000 members.

EIANZ and IEMA share a commitment to training and upskilling as many people as possible to help realise the ambition of a fully “green” economy – including by confronting challenging and complex issues such as climate change, the circular economy and preserving biodiversity.

The alliance will provide reciprocal membership offers that provide access to professional development, training and qualifications, events, publications and vital opportunities for networking.

IEMA CEO, Sarah Mukherjee MBE said: “Forming alliances with organisations that share so many of our values is crucial to transforming the world to sustainability. This partnership with EIANZ is a fantastic opportunity to maximise our respective strengths, mobilise our networks and drive collective influence.

“Key to that will be learning from each other, with members of the two bodies being encouraged to collaborate, share expertise and support capacity building that raises the water level for sustainability professionals globally.

“We hope this new partnership will be the first in a number of new alliances formed with like-minded organisations around the world.”

EIANZ President, Vicki Brady FEIANZ CEnvP, said: “The challenges faced by the environment profession are global in nature, so EIANZ is delighted to be joining forces with IEMA to scale up the impact of our respective organisations. This exciting partnership will allow members of both EIANZ and IEMA to make a positive difference to environmental outcomes through knowledge exchange, professional development and the formation of new connections.

“We look forward to working with IEMA on common goals to benefit our members and the environment profession globally.”

As part of a reciprocal arrangement, EIANZ members will now be entitled to a 30% discount on IEMA membership, which comes with numerous benefits such as: free access to the annual environment and sustainability conference IEMA Connect, IEMA Futures Events, and member-only webinar programs; practical guidance, toolkits and other resources; a subscription to Transform, IEMA’s member magazine; and the IEMA membership digital badge.

IEMA members who join EIANZ will in turn be entitled to a 30% discount on annual membership fees, allowing them to access member benefits including discounts on EIANZ live and online events, access to the Australasian Journal of Environmental Management and weekly Institute Insider newsletter, and the opportunity to contribute to policy discussions through EIANZ’s Special Interest Sections and Communities of Practice.

The partnership with IEMA adds to EIANZ’s existing agreements with the Australasian Land and Groundwater Association (ALGA), the New Zealand Association of Impact Assessment (NZAIA), the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and The National Environmental Law Association (NELA).

For IEMA members wishing to find out more about a reciprocal EIANZ membership, visit: Membership - Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (

For EIANZ members wishing to find out more about a reciprocal IEMA membership, visit: IEMA - EIANZ membership alliance


The Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) is Australasia’s peak body for environmental practitioners. We represent and provide professional development to environmental practitioners from a diverse range of technical disciplines including environmental scientists, policy makers, engineers, lawyers, and economists. EIANZ is committed to promoting ethical and competent environmental practice, and our members are at the forefront of challenging and complex issues such as climate change, sustainability and preserving biodiversity.

To find out more, visit here.


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